How to Use the Bing Keyword Research Tool

Searching for the right keyword to include in your content helps a lot in improving website ranking. However, finding the perfect keyword for a certain niche seems to be tedious. Good thing that keyword research tools were invented to aid the search process. One of those is the Bing Keyword Research tool. And it easy to use when keyword not provided.

What is Bing Keyword Research Tool?

Bing is another search engine similar to Google. Though most web surfers use Google as their default search engine, online businesses still consider Bing as a good platform to enhance and boost website ranking. There are still plenty of people using Bing.

Bing SEO guidelines are almost the same with Google but you should not neglect how powerful the engine works. Bing analytics, on the other hand, is different form Google, so some keywords ranks well in Bing yet mediocre in Google.

How to Use the Bing Keyword Research Tool?

Keyword tools allow you to discover useful terms and keywords that most people typed to search for products and services online. And through a Keyword tool, you can identify keywords that would benefit your brand. Free and paid versions of these research tools are available online. To use the Bing Keyword research tool, follow the steps below.

1. Go to and register for a Bing PPC account. Sign up for keyword research tool
2. You will be asked to sign for a Microsoft seo
3. Once you are logged in, go to tools found at the right top corner of your screen.
4. Select where you want to run the ads and create your advertisement.
5. Choose your keywords. Think this way: If you are the customer, what probably are the keywords you will use to search for the brand? One already identifies, use those keywords as a starting analytics
6. Find more keywords by using the tools within your account. Click Campaign and select the Keywords Tab where you can add Keywords. It provides more keyword results based from the initial keywords you entered. You can also discover websites and destination URL’s from those terms.
7. Bing would show you suggested keywords with its estimate searches for the past few months as you keyword research tool
8. Check the ticker box on the left to select the keyword you want to use.
9. Choose the Add options to place the keywords on the right to copy it out of the box.

You can now begin creating content using your chosen and highly ranked keywords to boost your website raking and increase traffic. It is also can be used for semantic core. Most content and online marketers agree that Bing SEO helps businesses grow. Through using the Bing’s unique analytics, online marketers have found way to enhance and optimize web ranking. Though Google is the most used search engine, Bing has proven to provide results as well.

Finding the right keyword to use is easy with the Bing Keyword Research Tool. Follow the above step-by-step guide to successfully incorporate the perfect keyword!


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